Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What are the most sweatiest (sp?) workouts or chores I can do to burn those extra calories?

I have a few questions I want to ask. Whenever you sweat, it means your burning calories, right? Does this also count when you are sweating because it's thrity degrees outside? Do you still burn calories like that? And, what excercises or chores can really burn calories?

What are the most sweatiest (sp?) workouts or chores I can do to burn those extra calories?
Of course you can go to a gym or use some dusty exercise equipment in the corner. But you could..

-Jog through your neighborhood for 30 minutes, you will burn off about 330 calories. Or, walk your dog or push your grandchildren in a stroller or your parents in a wheelchair for that same length of time, you will burn off about 150 calories.


Playing outside with kids: 180

Grocery shopping while pushing a cart: 126

Fixing dinner: 90

Washing dishes: 75

Reading the newest potboiler: 39

Doing laundry: 210

Walking around the outside of the mall before you go in to shop: 150

Surfing the Internet: 60

Gardening: 150

Raking leaves in your yard: 144

Walking the dog at a quick pace around the neighborhood: 147

Climbing the stairs at work (instead of taking the elevator): 306

Light house cleaning: 216

REMEMBER to monitor your heart rate and drink lots of water to stay hydrated. This is much more important than how much you weigh.
Reply:basically sweating does not mean you burn calories. This can be caused by many factors genetics being one. some people simply just sweat more then others also obese people tend to sweta more simply because of the fat content in their body and the amount of internal heat this creates but does not mean they are burning calories.

I myself swea very little even with an intense workout but thats just me others will look like they have just taken a bath but does not mean they have burned more then me.

Simple things to burn calories are walking/ jogging, taking the stairs etc then you can get further into it by actual exercise routines etc. i have plenty in m bog that youd enjoy reading, theres one post i did on working out at home feel free to have a read good luck
Reply:sweating is a means for your body to regulate its temperature. if your body overheats, you will die, so sweat helps the body to maintain the necessary temp. if you are exerting energy (working out) you will mostly likely sweat. but every time you sweat it doesn't mean you are burning calories. Running and other cardio is the best way to burn calories. adding resistance (lifting weights) training will help your body to continue to burn calories throughout the day.

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